Friday, August 14, 2009

Developed a camel-cache component to store, perform lookups and listen for cache events on a camel route

I have recently submitted a Camel cache component which is slated for release in Apache Camel version 2.1 in Septermber, 09

The Camel Caching component has the following abilities

a> In Producer mode, the component provides the ability to direct payloads in exchanges to a stored in a pre-existing or created-on-demand Cache. The producer mode supports operations to ADD/UPDATE/DELETE/DELETEALL elements in a cache. (Examples goven below)

b> In Consumer mode, the component provides the ability to listen on a pre-existing or created-on-demand Cache using an event Listener and receive automatic notifications when any cache activity take place (i.e ADD/UPDATE/DELETE/DELETEALL). Upon such an activity taking place, an exchange containing header elements describing the operation and cachekey and a body containing the just added/updated payload is placed and sent. In case of a DELETEALL operation the body of the exchanage is not populated.

The cache itself may be created on demand or if a cache of that name already exists then it is simply utilized with its original settings. The URL itself may take the following form

Configuring the cache
from("cache://MyApplicationCache" +
"?maxElementsInMemory=1000" +
"&memoryStoreEvictionPolicy=" +
"MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy.LFU" +
"&overflowToDisk=true" +
"&eternal=true" +
"&timeToLiveSeconds=300" +
"&timeToIdleSeconds=true" +
"&diskPersistent=true" +

// Note that all the attributes of the above URL are
// standard ehCache settings that may be set at
// Cache creation.

Given below are examples of how to create/set routes:

Producer Example 1: Adding keys to the cache with a body received from direct:start

RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() {
.setHeader("CACHE_OPERATION", constant("ADD"))
.setHeader("CACHE_KEY", constant("Ralph_Waldo_Emerson"))

Producer Example 2: Updating existing keys in a cache with a body received from direct:start

RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() {
.setHeader("CACHE_OPERATION", constant("UPDATE"))
.setHeader("CACHE_KEY", constant("Ralph_Waldo_Emerson"))

Producer Example 3: Deleting existing keys in a cache with a body received from direct:start

RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() {
.setHeader("CACHE_OPERATION", constant("DELETE"))
.setHeader("CACHE_KEY", constant("Ralph_Waldo_Emerson"))

Producer Example 4: Deleting all keys in a cache with a body received from direct:start

RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() {
.setHeader("CACHE_OPERATION", constant("ADD"))
.setHeader("CACHE_KEY", constant("Ralph_Waldo_Emerson"))

.setHeader("CACHE_OPERATION", constant("ADD"))
.setHeader("CACHE_KEY", constant("Ralph_Waldo_Emerson2"))

.setHeader("CACHE_OPERATION", constant("DELETEALL"))

Consumer Example 1: Notifying any changes registering in a Cache to Processors and other Producers

// Note: in this example the consumer is
// created first and then 3 routes
// send different message as Cache Producers

RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() {
.process(new Processor() {
public void process(Exchange exchange)
throws Exception {
String operation = (String) exchange.getIn().getHeader("CACHE_OPERATION");
String key = (String) exchange.getIn().getHeader("CACHE_KEY");
Object body = exchange.getIn().getBody();
// Do something

I have added a set of nice processors to the camel-cache component to provide the ability to perform cache lookups and selectively replace payload content at the
- body
- token
- xpath level

The mechanics of doing this are as follows

Producer Example 3: Deleting existing keys in a cache with a body received from direct:start

RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() {
//Message Body Replacer
.process(new CacheBasedMessageBodyReplacer("cache://TestCache1", "farewell"))

//Message Token replacer
.process(new CacheBasedTokenReplacer("cache://TestCache1", "novel", "#novel#"))
.process(new CacheBasedTokenReplacer("cache://TestCache1", "author", "#author#"))
.process(new CacheBasedTokenReplacer("cache://TestCache1", "number", "#number#"))

.process(new CacheBasedXPathReplacer("cache://TestCache1", "book1", "/books/book1"))
.process (new CacheBasedXPathReplacer("cache://TestCache1", "book2", "/books/book2"))

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Things to consider when selecting between Apache Camel and Apache Servicemix

Camel and Servicemix are both fundamentally about applying Enterprise Integration Patterns to solve complex integration problems across different technology sets.

However they do this by employing different styles and approaches. The broad distinctions between Camel and the Servicemix JBI technology stack, in my view, are the following

  • Camel is standardized via DSL (Domain Specific Language), Servicemix on the other hand is an implementation of the JBI standard
  • Both use message exchanges internally to move payloads between endpoints using routes (Camel) and workflows (JBI). However, in Camel, a MessageExchange is an Interface which is implemented by different technology sets in their own way i.e HTTP Exchange, FTP Exchange etc and employs type conversion to normalize data between these message exchanges. In Servicemix, a Message Exchange is a standardized Data structure with XML as its message payload.
  • Messages in Camel may be of any type (binary, text, serialized object etc). Messages in Servicemix are XML only.
  • Camel utilizes URI's to express endpoints, Servicemix uses the WSDL conventions (ServiceEndpointReference) to express endpoints.
  • Camel has a broader palette due to a simpler/more efficient and expressive way of wiring endpoints using routes. It is more easily embeddable in traditional Java Apps and can be run from a command line. Servicemix on the other hand is fundamentally based on a framework (JBI) and its services/endpoints are deployment in a JBI/OSGi based container.
  • The core JBI framework provides its endpoints key infrastructure services/facilities out of the box (location transarency, mediated messaging via NMR) and is more suited for viewing as a traditional ESB. Camel is more suited for being viewed as an easy to use, yet sophisticated piece of DSL based integration technology.

BTW, Servicemix 4 (OSGi) blends/brings together both these technologies beautifully. Servicemix-Camel and Camel can seamlessly coexist and provide seamless navigation between JBI and Camel routes.

I like both for their own quirks, elegance & oddities. To each his own, I guess :).

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Using Camel to direct messages to a Printer using a camel-printer component

I have recently made a feature submission of a camel-printer component to the Apache Camel community. I believe it will be available in Apache Camel 2.1 release cycle.

You can follow the submission to the Apache community at the following JIRA link

The objective of this component is to provide a way to direct payloads on a route to a printer. Obviously the payload has to be a formatted piece of payload in order for the component to appropriately print it. The objective is to be able to direct specific payloads as jobs to a line printer in a camel flow.

The functionality allows for the payload to be printed on a default, local remote or wirelessly linked printer using the javax printing API under the covers.

Since the URI scheme for a printer has not been standardized (the nearest thing to a standard being the IETF print standard) and therefore not uniformly applied by vendors, I have chosen "lpr" as the scheme.

There is choice for setting the following options in the printer URI

Printer options

- mediasize: to set the stationary as defined by
enumeration settings in the
javax.print.attribute.standard.MediaSizeName API.
- copies: to set number of copies based on the
javax.print.attribute.standard.Copies API
- sides: to set one sided or two sided printing based on the
javax.print.attribute.standard.Sides API

The way this camel printer works in Camel is as follows

Example 1: Printing text based payloads on a Default printer using letter stationary and one-sided mode

RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() {
.to("lpr://localhost/default?copies=2" +
"&flavor=DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM&" +
"&mimeType=AUTOSENSE" +
"&mediaSize=na-letter" +

Example 2: Printing GIF based payloads on a Remote printer using A4 stationary and one-sided mode

RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() {
.to("lpr://remotehost/sales/salesprinter" +
"?copies=2&sides=one-sided" +
"&mimeType=GIF&mediaSize=iso-a4" +

Example 3: Printing JPEG based payloads on a Remote printer using Japanese Postcard stationary and one-sided mode

RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() {
.to("lpr://remotehost/sales/salesprinter" +
"?copies=2&sides=one-sided" +
"&mimeType=JPEG" +
"&mediaSize=japanese-postcard" +

I hope you like this feature and use it to direct formatted payloads to a printer as part of a camel flow.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Camel Dataformat that facilitates symmetric key encryption/decryption of XML payloads at the Payload, XML Element and XML Element Content level

I just developed and submitted a new Dataformat for Camel that facilitates encryption and decryption of XML payloads at the Document, Element and Element Content levels (including simultaneous multi-node encryption using XPATH).

The encrytion capability is based on formats supported using the Apache XML Security (Santuario) project. Encryption/Decryption is "currently" supported using Triple-DES and AES (128, 192 and 256) encryption formats. Additional formats can be easily added later as needed. (Note: The support currently offered is for symmetric encryption. This means the same keyset is needed at both ends of the communication to encrypt/decrypt payloads).

The capability allows Camel users to encrypt/decrypt payloads while being dispatched or received along a route.

The default encrytion format if no algorithm is specified is Triple-DES.

The way it works is as follows

Example 1: Full Payload encryption/decryption

RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() {


Example 2: Partial Payload Content Only encryption/decryption

RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() {
String tagXPATH="//cheesesites/italy/cheese";
boolean secureTagContent = true;

.marshal().encryptXML(tagXPATH, secureTagContent)
.unmarshal().encryptXML(tagXPATH, secureTagContent)

Example 3: Partial Multi Node Payload Content Only encryption/decryption

RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() {
String tagXPATH = "//cheesesites/*/cheese";
boolean secureTagContent = true;

.marshal().encryptXML(tagXPATH, secureTagContent)
.unmarshal().encryptXML(tagXPATH, secureTagContent)

Example 4: Partial Payload Content Only encryption/decryption using passPhrase(password)

RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() {
String tagXPATH = "//cheesesites/*/cheese";
boolean secureTagContent = true;
byte[] passPhrase = "Just another 24 Byte key".getBytes();

.marshal().encryptXML(tagXPATH, secureTagContent, passPhrase)
.encryptXML(tagXPATH, secureTagContent, passPhrase)

Example 5: Payload encryption/decryption using passPhrase with passPhrase Algorithm

RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() {
String tagXPATH = "//cheesesites/*/cheese";
boolean secureTagContent = true;
byte[] passPhrase = "Just another 24 Byte key".getBytes();
String algorithm= XMLCipher.TRIPLEDES;

.marshal().encryptXML(tagXPATH , secureTagContent, passPhrase, algorithm)
.unmarshal().encryptXML(tagXPATH, secureTagContent, passPhrase, algorithm)

The other choices for algorithm are

--> XMLCipher.AES_128
--> XMLCipher.AES_192 and
--> XMLCipher.AES_256

For more details on the submission check out the following